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Lego Instructions Purportedly Reveal Lego Worlds
Lego, TT Games, and Warner Bros. Interactive have been on a bit of a tear lately, working on several games based on the blocky brand. They've got the license mash-up Lego Dimensions, and games based on Jurassic World and The Avengers. That might not be the end of it either, according to an image that shows something called Lego Worlds.
A member of the Eurobricks Lego fan site posted the image, which he says appeared on the back of a newly released set's building instructions. It shows several Minifigs wandering around a Lego landscape, with a farmer using a tractor to shovel loose bricks up. The tagline "Explore. Discover. Create." appears up top, along with a URL (lego.com/worlds) that currently leads to the page-not-found image pictured above. The TT Games and Warner Bros. logos are at the bottom, which certainly suggests – if not outright stating – that we're looking at something game-related here. If (and that is an if), this isn't just a case of someone having some fun with PhotoShop.
This is far from confirmation of anything at this point, but it's tempting to guess what it could be. Perhaps Lego is doing its own Minecraft-like open-world game, moving away from the story-based games that TT Games has gravitated toward over the past few years. Someone in the thread suggests that this could have been an early name for Lego Dimension, though that sounds doubtful. Lego Dimensions' hook is the toys-to-life angle, as well as the abundance of licensed characters like Marty McFly, The Wizard of Oz's Wicked Witch of the West, and the Simpsons. Generic Minifigs aren't a match for that, and the "Explore. Discover. Create." approach sounds different, too.
We've reached out to Warner Bros. for comment, and we'll update this story as soon as we receive any clarification.
[Source: Eurobricks via Gamespot]
Our Take
E3 is coming in a few weeks, which would be a great time to announce something like this – though we're reaching peak Lego levels at this point. One thing that does make my scratch my head is the size of the manual itself. The Lego Worlds image was purportedly from the back of the City Square set, which has more than 1,600 pieces. Those manuals are typically larger than the one shown. The poster could have misspoken when he said that the image was from the back of the instructions; perhaps they were from another insert. It wouldn't be the first time that Lego has accidentally revealed its hand early via building instructions, however.