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Help Kids, Watch Reiner’s Band Play Friday Night
If you’re in the Minneapolis area and are looking for something to do this Friday night, why not hang out with the Game Informer crew? We can promise an evening filled with games, live music and good company. And aside from our sun going supernova, enveloping our precious planet and destroying all life, what’s the worst thing that could possibly happen? Caveat: You must be 21 or older to partake in all of these festivities.
The first part of the night will be at the 501 club in Minneapolis for the Be Excellent to Each Other benefit. The charity event (founded by GI alum Lisa Mason) includes Rock Band on a real rock stage, complete with lights, loud speakers and an audience that will probably not leave no matter how poorly you play. Additionally, an auction is being held, with the proceeds evenly split between the Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota and Child’s Play, an organization that provides games and systems to children’s hospitals nationwide. Items up for auction include loads of Square Enix figures, original artwork, games and more. Our favorite item? A tour of Game Informer HQ. We promise not to bid that one out from anyone. The 501 Club is also donating 10 percent of the night’s bar tab to the charities, so get a designated driver and do your part, you big sissy. It’s for the kids! There’s no cover, and the event starts at 7 pm.
At 10:30 or so, the GI train is moving over to the 7th Street Entry for Tripping Icarus’ EP release day. What, you don’t know Tripping Icarus? You’re certainly familiar with bassist (and Minnesota Viking) Chris Kluwe. Really? How about guitarist Andrew “Reiner” Reiner? There you go. The band is releasing its first EP at the 18 and older show. If Reiner’s finger-melting fretwork isn’t enough to get you to buy a copy, how about this: One of the discs contains a Willy Wonka style golden ticket good for admittance to the Vikings/Bears game.
Come on out with us! It’ll be a lot of fun, and you’ll help some deserving kids (and Reiner) along the way. Plus, you’ll have the rest of the weekend for the ringing in your ears to subside. Still not convinced? OK, we didn’t want to have to do this, but here goes. Game Informer’s Meagan will be working the 501 Club’s door. In full cosplay. Oh, brother.