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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Rolls Out Narrative-Focused Trailer
This evening’s Game Awards presentation brought a new look at Destiny 2: The Witch Queen. We’ve known for some months that the new expansion was going to change up the status quo of power in the Destiny universe. Specifically, the Hive goddess named Savathûn seems to have found a way to grant Guardian-like powers to her Hive soldiers. Of greatest significance, that means that the Hive foes you defeat can come back from death after you take them down.
That was the focus of the new video that debuted tonight, comprised of in-game footage that shows off a fireteam confronting a Hive Knight Guardian, accompanied by a live-action debrief between one of the human Guardians who was present and Ikora Rey, in her role as a leader of the Vanguard. The fireteam seems to destroy the Hive Knight, but then it comes back from death. The combat must eventually turn out to the better, as the returning fireteam member has the remains of the Hive Ghost, but it’s clear that things did not go well on the mission.
After the trailer, we also learned that the footage shown was from the opening mission of the new expansion.
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is set to release across all platforms on February 22. It’s been a long wait for a major new expansion, but the scope and drama of Savathûn’s big coming-out party has us excited.