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Sick Stunts In Spider-Man

by Kyle Hilliard on Sep 12, 2018 at 01:00 PM

Spider-Man is a man who has all the abilities of spider with half the appendages, and is also capable of pulling off the sickest stunts on the planet. Join Benjamin Reeves, Leo Vader, and me as we put that particular superhero skill to the test to show off the sickest stunts imaginable, all while taking some pretty amazing pictures of the whole process. If you want a more nuanced look at Spider-Man, you can read our review of it right here.

For more Sick Stunts videos, head here to watch us play with Zelda: Breath of the Wild's motorcycle, here to watch us push Wander and Agro to their limits in Shadow of the Colossus for PlayStation 4, here for a live Sick Stunts video in Far Cry 5, and here for some Sea of Thieves shenanigans.

Products In This Article

Marvel's Spider-Mancover

Marvel's Spider-Man

PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date:
September 7, 2018 (PlayStation 4), 
November 12, 2020 (PlayStation 5), 
August 12, 2022 (PC)