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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Preview Impressions | New Gameplay Today
by Game Informer Editorial on Feb 08, 2022 at 09:00 AM
Platform PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC
Publisher Bungie
Developer Bungie
Rating Teen

Destiny 2 has been out for almost half a decade yet doesn't show any signs of slowing down. Bungie's FPS juggernaut has been able to occupy the mainstream gaming zeitgeist through its constant updates and expansions, and today we're showing off new gameplay from the hotly-anticipated Witch Queen expansion!

Your host Alex Stadnik is joined by Destiny fans Matt Miller and John Carson for this fresh episode of New Gameplay Today, and we have a lot to discuss in this eight-minute video. The gentlemen recently sat down with the team at Bungie and attended a preview event, respectively, and have a wealth of knowledge to impart to fans who can't wait for Destiny 2's newest expansion.

But what can players expect ahead of the update's February 22 release date? Today we're showing off the new realm fans can expect to fight against Hive minions who have taken and harnessed the Light from the Guardians. We also show off the latest tool of destruction that gamers will wield in their battle against Savathûn, the expansion's main antagonist. Players will be able to wield the Glaive, a first-person melee weapon that will allow Guardians to both blast enemies from mid-range distances, slice and dice up close, or be used as a shield when needed. 

If you're anything like our host, you're completely enamored with the new realm and the weapons that fill it, but you haven't played Destiny 2 and are worried you're too far behind. Matt and John are here to ease those fears and discuss why this expansion could appeal to those who haven't picked up Bungie's game in quite some time. Finally, to wrap the video, we also dive into how some of the new weapon crafting works to round out another fun episode of New Gameplay Today.

Thank you so much for watching this video. If you enjoy our preview content, we have plenty more looks at some of the biggest games of 2022 and beyond. Join us for videos on Gran Turismo 7, GhostWire: Tokyo, and Mina the Hollower!

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Destiny 2: The Witch Queencover

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen

PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC
Release Date: