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Pokémon Omega Ruby

Mega Slowbro Revealed
by Kyle Hilliard on Aug 16, 2014 at 04:28 AM
Platform 3DS
Publisher Nintendo
Developer Game Freak
Rating Everyone

Revealed during the 2014 Pokémon World Championships, the newest Pokémon to achieve Mega Evolution is Slowbro, the evolved form of Slowpoke.

Mega Slowbro excels at defense, as its shell allows it to defend against powerful attacks. It's unclear if Slowpoke's alternate evolved form, Slowking, will also have a Mega Evolution. For more images of the Mega Evolved Slowbro check out the gallery below.

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For more on Pokémon Omega Red and Alpha Sapphire, check out the the most recent reveal here. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire releases for 3DS on November 21.

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Pokémon Omega Ruby

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