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IO Interactive Wants You To Hide In Plain Sight
by Luke Walaszek on Mar 01, 2016 at 07:11 AM
Platform PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC
Publisher Square Enix
Developer IO Interactive
Rating Mature

The sneaking in the Hitman series is all about blending into a crowd. The developers at IO Interactive call this unique mechanic Social Stealth, and it’s the subject of the latest episode of Talking Hitman.  

Creative director Christian Elverdam is joined by principal level lesigner Jacob Mikkelsen and senior game designer Jesper Hylling to discuss how Agent 47 masters the art of blending in. The video is split into two parts, each roughly seven minutes in length. 

The second half of the video focuses on how the social stealth elements evolved over the series' 15-year history. The developers talk about why they decided to expand the possibilities for selecting the right disguises as Agent 47. 

Hitman will be released in an episodic format starting on March 11 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. If you missed the closed beta, you can watch us play it in a Test Chamber here

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PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC
Release Date:
December 8, 2015 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC), 
September 1, 2020 (Stadia)