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Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
Another of Koei’s tactical-action titles, Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce debuted last year for the PSP. This year’s Tokyo Game Show saw the title ported to home consoles, a strange reversal in our eyes. Strikeforce marks the first time a Dynasty Warriors console game has included online play, a prospect Koei representatives seemed excited about.
Strikeforce allows two to four friends to play together online, embarking on quests through Imperial China, taking down fortresses and massive foes along the way. As with any good multiplayer, competitive play is also an option. If playing alone, you can take on quests with up to three AI-controlled officers at your side. The feature wasn’t available in the PSP iteration, and was added intentionally after players complained of the single-player campaign being too difficult unaided. In this mode you can issue orders to officers via the face buttons. Basic commands include attacking low-ranking soldiers, attacking armories and large weapons or taking on the more powerful enemy officers. You can also command your fellow combatants to stick close or fight autonomously. Otherwise, Strikeforce is the same as its PSP predecessor. Ariel combat is highly touted, and Koei promises more foes than in the PSP version. Three times the amount of fodder on the field to be exact.
Fury transformation are also a key element of gameplay, augmenting the characters already impressive fighting prowess with supernatural abilities and attacks such as super speed and the ability to fly. The Fury gauge replaces the Musou gauge, filling up when the player attacks and takes damage. Once full the player can initiate the mega-mode, doing significantly more damage with their standard attacks.
Through battle players will gather supplies to build and modify weapons. The lock-on targeting indicator will change color to indicate the effective range of the weapon currently equipped, allowing you to study what weapons are best for any given scenario. Various orbs also allow you to customize the 250 plus weapons found in the game.
Cities act as hubs, permitting the player to take on new quests, change equipment, buy and sell goods and customize their party. Fortune tellers, a new addition to the console version of Strikeforce, can also be found in cities. The tellers allow the player to engage in a minigame that awards an ability boost for a period of time.
The home console version, along with the recent Koei and Tecmo merger, provided an opportunity for some interesting cameo appearances. At TGS we learned that the PS3 version of Strikeforce will include Ninja Gaiden staple Ryu as a NPC, who will dole out a quest that rewards the player with his signature weapon if completed. In the 360 version players can find Warriors Orochi’s Nu Wa and be issued a similar task and reward.
Before launch, Koei has already publicized that they plan to offer new content and additional quests free of charge through the PlayStation Store and XBL Marketplace. Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce will debut for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 next year.