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Catch Up On Destiny Lore Ahead Of The Sequel With This Video

by Imran Khan on Aug 28, 2017 at 08:44 PM

Do you have 90 minutes to spare and have a burning interest in Destiny lore before Destiny 2? Did you play Destiny but need a refresher on the story? Did you play Destiny and just not absorb any of the story, which is I assume most people? Then here's a video for you!

This Destiny lore recap by Youtuber "My name is Byf" takes you on a wild ride through the Destiny lore and timeline, both of which were curiously missing from the first game. The top of the video goes through a list of the things the video will not cover, then goes on to explain everything you can ever need to know about Destiny's story and world.

The video is not unlike the kind that interprets and explains FROM Software's Souls games, which helped enrich the community with discussion of how to interpret the story. Whichever direction Destiny 2 ends up taking its story, hopefully Bungie nails it this time.