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Hitman Has Episode 3 Release Date In Its Sights

by Matthew Kato on May 25, 2016 at 04:50 AM

The alleyways and teeming streets of Marrakesh, Morocco, are the setting for Hitman's third episode, which is out soon.

Episode 3 comes out on May 31 (PS4, Xbox One, and PC) and offers two targets: banker Claus Strandberg in the Swedish consulate and Gen. Reza Zaydan in his HQ in the city.

The episode also contains other content, such as Elusive Targets and Escalation Contract.

[Source: Hitman Official Blog]


Our Take
According to our own Jeff Marchiafava, Episode 2 was a bit of a dud, but at least Episode 3 seems to contain more content. Hopefully it also feels substantial enough to bear out the game's episodic format.