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Blizzard Teases All Its Planned Overwatch Animated Shorts And Comics

by Kyle Hilliard on Mar 16, 2016 at 02:52 PM

Overwatch releases May 24, and Blizzard has plans for all kinds of non-video game entertainment planned to help flesh out is universe.

In a post on Battle.net, Blizzard runs down what to expect for those who want more than what the standalone Overwatch video game will be able to offer.

Animated shorts are on the way, and we've already seen snippets of some of them. The first will arrive this month, and more will land over the following two months.

Digital comics are also planned, which the assorted drawn short stories focusing on specific Overwatch heroes. Alongside the teaser image below, you can find more on Blizzard's post.

The first one will tell vigilante gunslinger McCree's story. You can check out the cover below.

Finally, a full graphic novel titled Overwatch: First Strike features the following plot summary:

takes place during the Omnic Crisis—the global robot uprising that unfolded decades before the events players experience in-game. Written by Micky Neilson and with art by Ludo Lullabi, First Strike explores the early days of Overwatch, the elite international strike team that was assembled to save humanity. You'll learn more about the origins of some of its founding members like Soldier: 76, Torbjörn, Reaper, and Reinhardt, years before the events of the game.

Overwatch is making its way to console, as well as PC this year. You can learn more about that news here.

[Source: Battle.net]


Our Take
Overwatch has always felt similar to Team Fortress 2 in all the right ways, and all these comics and animated shorts help further than comparison. I'm curious to see how the two games will distance themselves from one another when Overwatch releases in May.