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Hitman Advertising Campaign Takes A Weird Turn With Bloody Bathrooms

by Elise Favis on Mar 12, 2016 at 07:49 AM

An advertising campaign for the new Hitman game that released last week is turning out to be more shocking than effective.

The advertisements, as found by Twitter user @graceblaise from London, England, feature fake bloodstains in a public women's bathroom. Agent 47 may be known to hide bodies in bathroom stalls, closets, and other nooks and crannies, but this advertisement approach leaves some odd ambiguity that the marketing team may have overlooked. Blaise mentions in another tweet that the adverts are "in the boys bathroom too, so I hear." The photos were taken during the PC Gamer Weekend event at London’s Old Truman Brewery, and as Blaise points out, the ads can be easily, if not comically, misinterpreted.

Hitman is releasing episodically, with Episode 1 out as of yesterday for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Read our review here. Be sure to also check out our walkthrough for acing the final level in Escalation Mode, and our custom-made, playable contract mission.

[Source: Twitter]