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Watch Fallout 4's Opening Get Invaded By Dozens Of Robots

by Marcus Stewart on Nov 30, 2015 at 10:33 AM

Fallout 4's adrenaline-pumping introduction has players racing to Vault 111 amid the nuclear bombardment that leaves the world in ruin. IGN toyed around with the game's backend to create an apocalypse of a different kind by unleashing dozens of synths into Sanctuary Hills.

What makes this video isn't just the synths terrorizing the quiet neighborhood, but the residents abandoning their evacuation efforts to open their own can of suburban whoop ass against their robotic invaders. Surprisingly, the neighbors are found carrying ammunition and other items, and even the protagonist's wife, with baby Shaun in arm, throws down in a hilariously heated battle that escalates when another major enemy is dropped into the fray. 

For more Fallout 4 silliness, check out these Buzz Lightyear and One-Punch Man mods. 

[Source: IGN via Kotaku]