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Reader Discussion: What Is Your Favorite Song From The Legend Of Zelda Series?

by Brian Shea on Mar 06, 2015 at 10:59 AM

Last weekend, we ran a poll asking you what game franchise has the best music. While Final Fantasy and Halo racked up a lot of support from our readers, The Legend of Zelda secured nearly 30% of the vote and came away with the victory.

Now, we want to take it a step further. Even if you didn't vote for the Zelda franchise in our poll, it's safe to say that, from day one, Link's many adventures have been accompanied by some pretty excellent music. We want to know what your favorite song from this long-running series is.

Whether you're talking the beloved "Gerudo Valley Theme" from Ocarina of Time, the recent "Lorule Overworld Theme" from A Link Between Worlds, or even the iconic "Overworld Theme" from most games in the series, you're bound to have a favorite. I'm personally a fan of all of the ones I just listed, but I'm also a sucker for "Saria's Song" and "Song of Storms" from Ocarina of Time, as well as many, many songs from Wind Waker. Let us know what your favorite tunes from the Zelda franchise are in the comments below.