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Mobile Stealth Title République Goes Free This Week

by Ben Reeves on Jun 05, 2014 at 06:04 AM

Camoflaj's first mobile app had players assisting a sentient AI named Hope as she escaped a containment facility. If you were hesitant to jump into the games first episode when it released, now is the perfect time, because it won't cost you a dime. For a week, the game won't even cost you a penny.

In République, players help a young woman named Hope struggling to escape from an Orwellian watchdog state. Players communicate with Hope through a stolen phone and then hack surveillance systems to help guide her to safety.

Normally $4.99, starting today and running until June 12, the first episode of the dystopian mobile stealth title République will be Apple's free app of the week for all iOS devices.

“From the very beginning it has been our goal to bring République to as many people as possible,” said Ryan Payton, designer at Camouflaj. “Thanks to our friends at Apple, we’re excited to bring our game to a whole new audience. We hope these new players enjoy Episode 1 as much as we loved making it.”

Read our reviews for Episode 1 and Episode 2.


Our Take
This is a cool bonus. I'd heard a few of the GI staffers talking about this game when it first released, but I never got around to checking it out. Now that it's free I'll definitely have to download it.