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Harmonix Pulls Off Kickstarter Comeback As Amplitude Reaches Goal
When Harmonix launched its Kickstarter for Amplitude on an abbreviated timeline, the Rock Band and Dance Central developer was stacking the deck against themselves. For most of the campaign, it looked like Amplitude would be going back on the shelf to gather dust.
With just 20 hours to go, Harmonix is now considering stretch goals. The $775,000 goal has been met, and Amplitude will be happening.
“Going into this Kickstarter campaign, we understood the number of challenges we faced, and at no point did we believe we had a 'sure thing,'" a Harmonix representative told Game Informer. "The outpouring of support has been incredible, and we are absolutely humbled by the response. From our fans to our friends in the industry -- including the incredible contributions from Insomniac Games and the Skullgirls team -- we could not have done this without their support and passion. As we’ve said in the past, creating a new Amplitude experience has been a studio dream for years. We’re incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support that will make it possible, and can’t wait to make this dream a reality.”
There’s still time to back the Amplitude Kickstarter before it wraps up tomorrow. The lowest tier that gets you the game (PlayStation 3 and 4 cross-buy) is $20.
Our Take
The deck was stacked against Harmonix, between confusion why a known developer working on big games would need Kickstarter (something deftly explained here) and a short window. Kickstarter is about project-based funding, and if Amplitude hadn't been funded here, it wouldn't have been made at all. This is a passion project, and fans have clearly voiced their interest in seeing it happen.