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GRID 2 Getting Community Driven Updates, Including Free Demolition Derby

by Mike Futter on Jul 26, 2013 at 11:50 AM

GRID 2 is about to get two big community-driven feature patches. Fans have been vocal about the tweaks and adjustments they'd like to see and Codemasters has been listening.

The first update brings new incentives for racing in custom playlists and a new hardcore playlist that ups the challenge and reflects full damage. The level cap is getting a bump from 30 all the way to 99, and Codemasters has improved the anti-cheat protection to make things more fun for those who play by the rules.

The second update brings back the fan-adored Demolition Derby mode. This was never in the original plans, according to Codemasters, and is purely due to player demand.

The updates aren't dated yet, but Codemasters will provide more specifics closer to release. For more information on the content of the updates, visit the official site.


Our Take
Codemasters knows the racing game inside and out, and it seems they also know community management just as well. Both of these updates evidence a company that is keyed into what its fan base loves about its games. Actions like these are what earn fans for life.