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Amnesia Sales Pass One Million

by Jim Reilly on Sep 10, 2012 at 11:29 AM

Frictional Games said sales of its first-person horror adventure Amnesia: The Dark Descent has sold 1.4 million units in its lifetime. The sales figure includes numbers from Humble Indie Bundle and the Potato Bundle last year.

"Despite that huge number of sales, what I think is more interesting is how good the monthly sales still are," Frictional says. "Not counting any discounts, the monthly full price sales lie at over 10,000 units. This means that less then every 5th minute someone in the world is buying a copy of Amnesia.

"This is totally insane to me."

The studio also hinted at its next project. Frictional says it's working on a new first-person horror game set for release in 2014. "One of the things I was most disappointed with in Amnesia was that it never really managed to deliver any deeper themes, but was more like a shallow fright-fest. For the new project we want to change that and really try and bring a certain theme to the front.

"Our hope is that this will create a very special experience, creating horror in a much more disturbing way."

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, which is being developed by thechineseroom and produced by Frictional, is coming early next year.

[Source: Frictional Games]