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EA Is Not Pulling BioWare's Strings

by Joe Juba on Oct 04, 2011 at 06:40 AM

If BioWare fans don't like something about one of the company's games, a popular tactic is to blame EA. After all, the mega-publisher bought BioWare, and now must be poisoning the studio's development, right? Wrong!

In an interview with Eurogamer, BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk insist their studio still has "huge autonomy," and that EA isn't some sinister force calling the shots from behind a curtain.

"We're not being forced to do anything or told to do anything. We make the decisions. We take input," says Zeschuk. "It's just funny when people say that, because it's not actually remotely true."

"The key is to never lose sight of the fact that, at the end of the day, we're making entertainment and art," Muzyka adds. "We're tying to make a fun experience for the fans. They're one of our key stake holders and we have to deliver and exceed their expectations."

So, every questionable decision surrounding BioWare games isn't EA's fault…but I'm still pretty sure that heavy metal Dragon Age: Origins trailer was.

(Source: Eurogamer)