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tgs 2011

Pink 3DS Arriving In Japan Next Month

by Phil Kollar on Sep 12, 2011 at 08:20 PM

If you've been waiting for a wider variety of colors to choose from before upgrading your handheld, Nintendo has officially added one more option to its line-up.

During its pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference, Nintendo announced the new "Misty Pink" 3DS featured above. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata lamented that currently 3DS sales are skewing heavier toward males than the Wii and DS. The publisher hopes this new color option will help even out those numbers.

The Misty Pink 3DS will arrive in Japan on October 20. Nintendo has not officially announced this new color for North America, but honestly, I'd be surprised if it didn't show up here eventually.

[via Kotaku]