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Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy For 3DS Ended Up Being AC: Revelations
When the 3DS was announced, Ubisoft pledge big support for the handheld. One of the lynch pins of its 3DS plan was Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy -- which was planned as a launch title but then quickly fell off the face of the Earth. Well, now we know why: many of Lost Legacy's story concepts ended up being the foundation for Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
In an interview with Joystiq, Revelations lead writer Darby McDevitt revealed the truth: "You may have heard of the game 'Lost Legacy' for the 3DS. It was announced, but that kind of morphed into this idea…The story that was announced about Lost Legacy was that Ezio goes to Masyaf and investigates the holy land."
So, it looks like Lost Legacy is indeed lost, but something tells me we're better off with another full-blown Ezio adventure on home consoles.