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Play For Japan Album Features Impressive Tracklist

by Matt Helgeson on May 25, 2011 at 07:16 AM

Play for Japan, which has showcased a number of charitable efforts of individuals and companies in video games, has already raised over $122,727 for Japanese tsunami relief efforts. Now the organization is prepping the release of Play for Japan: The Album, a benefit album that brings together many of the industry's most prestigious composers.

Organized by Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill series, Shadows of the Damned), the album is set to release in early June on the iTunes store. Recently, Play for Japan announced the final tracklist for the album, which is extremely impressive. Have a look for yourself, and remember to buy the album when it goes on sale. All of the proceeds will go directly to Japanese relief efforts.

    •    Akira Yamaoka (Shadows of the Damned) | “Ex Animo”
    •    Arthur Inasi (Harmonix) | “We Are One”
    •    Bear McCreary (SOCOM 4) | “Maverick Regeneration”
    •    Chance Thomas (Lord of the Rings Online) | “Rise Up”
    •    Hip Tanaka.β (Metroid) | “HVC-1384″
    •    Inon Zur feat. The Lyris Quartet (Dragon Age) | “Remember“
    •    Jason Graves (Dead Space) | “Necromancer”
    •    Koji Kondo (Super Mario Bros.) | “Super Mario Medley On Two Pianos”
    •    Laura Karpman (Everquest II) w/Lisbeth Scott | “Pine Wind Sound“
    •    Laura Shigihara (Plants vs. Zombies) | “Jump“
    •    Mitsuto Suzuki (The 3rd Birthday) | “Play for You”
    •    Nobuko Toda (Metal Gear Solid 4) | “Reminiscence”
    •    Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy) | “Every New Morning“
    •    Penka Kouneva (Prince of Persia) | “White Cloud”
    •    Sean Murray (Call of Duty) | “The Temple Stone”
    •    Tommy Tallarico (Advent Rising) | “Greater Lights“
    •    Woody Jackson (Red Dead Redemption) | “Moshi Moshi”
    •    Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger) | “Dimension Break”

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