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Trapped Chilean Miners Not Playing PSPs After All
A month back we reported that the trapped Chilean miners were killing their downtime with PSPs. Thanks to an overbearing psychologist, they never received the handhelds.
According to the Washington Post, Alberto Iturra Benavides, the psychologist in charge of the miners' mental well being, ruled against the trapped workers receiving music players and handheld gaming devices because they could isolate the workers.
"With earphones, if they're listening to music and someone calls them, asking for help or to warn them about something, they're not available," Iturra said. "What they need is to be together."
Fair enough, but ever hear of multiplayer?
The good new is that the miners get to watch TV, receive three hot meals a day, and speak with their families on the phone every weekend. We wish the workers the best as they tough it out for another month or so before the rescue holes are finished.