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PlayStation Home Update Includes More Servbot

by Meagan Marie on Sep 23, 2010 at 04:18 AM

Did you know that the PlayStation Home service is still up and thriving? Well, we can’t attest to the thriving part, but we can reaffirm that the service isn’t dead, no matter what our clearly marked parody stories may imply.

In preparation for the launch of Dead Rising 2, Home will be updated with new content to gear you up like Chuck Greene. Starting tomorrow you can get your hands on two Dead Rising 2 ensembles as well as weaponry from the PlayStation Home Mall. Your shopping list should include at least one pair of knife boxing gloves and a paddlesaw.

Sony’s also pimping the newest in their line of luxury personal spaces – the Lake house. Additionally, if moving around your digital space is cumbersome, the Sodium Store is now offering the Sodium Telepad. Yes, you read correctly. Sony is charging to transport your character around a digital space.

Interested in any of the above goods? Check out the PlayStation Blog to see them in action.