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Xbox 360 Sales Skyrocket (Relatively) In Japan
The Japanese sure love their Monster Hunter. How much? So much that when Monster Hunter Frontier Online debuted in Japan, sales of the Xbox 360 jumped eightfold compared to the previous week.
The total number of console sales for the week in Japan was still nothing to write home about: Microsoft sold just 17,370 units compared to the DSi LL, which sold 41,676 units. However, considering the previous week Microsoft only sold 2,060 units in Japan, the company has to be happy with the results – especially considering the fact that both the PS3 and Wii barely broke 19,000 units in the same time frame.
Media Create is reporting that 15,000 of Microsoft's 17,000 console sales were new Xbox 360 Slim units, perhaps giving a small amount of credence to the original Xbox-era myth that the Japanese are unwilling to buy large consoles. Considering the fact that Frontier Online sold 93,000 units in its first week however, we're inclined to believe that Microsoft has finally found its killer app for Japanese gamers.
[Via Andriasang]