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blog herding

Blog Herding – The Best Blogs Of The Community (July 16, 2015)

by Game Informer Editorial on Jul 16, 2015 at 06:00 AM

Satoru Iwata-san passed away on July 11. To put it simply, Nintendo's president was a visionary in the video game world. Countless people took to the Internet to express their condolences and what he meant to them – including our blogging crew. Thank you for the gaming experiences, Iwata.

Community Blogs For July 9 – July 15:

Thank You Satoru Iwata
Enuo would rather avoid the subject of death, but when it comes to the death of a luminary, he can't help but reflect. The loss hits him hard because Iwata was just a fan of video games that really got it.

Thank You Master Iwata (Appreciation Poem)
GerardoExber copes with Iwata's loss by writing a poem. It's a somber bit of writing, but also a celebratory one full of appreciation for Nintendo's late president. "Your game finished so soon, but the gameplay was full of joy." 

A Short & Simple Thought About Iwata's Passing
Born4this leaves us with a short message, lauding the unity that has come out of the tragic news. From the art, writing, and video dedications, the video game community has shown just how fantastic and appreciative it can be.

Rest In Peace, Satoru Iwata
Timothy Repasky is happy to have played the games Iwata has helped create, but also in awe of how such a man can be so fun, lighthearted, and caring. He was, at his very core, what Nintendo represents.

Satoru Iwata: The Champion of Fun
Writer napalmninja explains how Nintendo defined his childhood. The news of Iwata's death affected him deeply. He'll never forget Iwata's outlandish Nintendo Directs, and neither will countless Nintendo fans.

The Games I Played At San Diego Comic Con 2015
Justin Mikos braved the grandest of all cons for the third year in a row and played some games. While many of the games like Super Mario Maker seem like obvious classics in the making (I was hooked within seconds of playing it at a Best Buy event), his assessment of how enjoyable Chibi Robo Zip Lash is caught me off guard.  

My Top Five Games of the Year (So Far)
Eric Watson makes me sad. Four of his top five games are titles I really want to play but simply don't have the time or money for. Massive Chalice's tactical hodgepodge of gameplay, Splatoon's inky shenanigans, and the role-playing of Pillars of Eternity explained in the blog have me excited to play them. Eventually.

Writing Challenge Responses:

Community Challenge: Licensed games (not ShamWow)
Sam_Lincoln doesn't think there can be a truly great licensed game, but does think one property deserves a shot: Gary Paulsen's The Transall Saga. It's a sci-fi book with a dose of dystopian themes, and sounds like it would make for a fun world to explore with a fun twist at the end.

Community Writing Challenge: Back to the Past
Blogger Tstitan is also tepid when it comes to licensed games. However, he believes Samurai Jack should get another crack at a game. It could be made to look much like the cartoon, and who knows: Maybe the series' original creator could finally end the show's story in the game.

Community Reviews:

Rocket League Review: Leagues Above The Competition
Lovemeorshootme makes a great case for the 9 out of 10 he gives Rocket League. I honestly didn't know about this title until a friend showed me his car scoring a bicycle kick just days ago. That's rad. And though I don't agree with the gibe about finally making "soccer fun," I am excited about having the first solid, different version of soccer since Sega Soccer Slam.

Community Writing Challenge:

Japan is a fantastic country. I visited during college and fell in love with the Land of the Rising Sun. In celebration of Nippon, I want the community to write about Japanese games or developers. Maybe it's a particular scene in a game (Shadow Hearts: Covenant's humorous scenes come to mind), how developers defined genres, or how Square made the most brooding RPG characters.

Community Playdate:

Rocket League. Cars and a soccer ball. This sounds too epic not to play, so we're doing just that on Sunday at 7:00 p.m. CST. Make sure to add me, Louiskensei, to your PS4 friend list and let me know if you're playing in the comments!

I hope you enjoy the blogs! Please contact me via my Game Informer page or on Twitter at @LouisGarcia12 with any blog news or playdate suggestions.