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[New Videos Added] How To Play As A Bird, Dog & Cow In Grand Theft Auto V

by Andrew Reiner on Nov 20, 2014 at 09:30 AM

Bran Stark from Game of Thrones isn't the only character who can enter the mind of a bird. To accomplish this feat, you need to track down one of 27 pieces of peyote hidden across San Andreas in the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version of the game. After consuming this drug, Franklin, Trevor, or Michael will transform into a bird. We don't know what type of transformations or hallucinations the other peyote pieces bring.

Since the peyote is a collectible, it's a one-time use item. I soared through the sky as a bird for a minute before ending its life by crashing it into the ground. I unfortunately didn't get video of it, but I can show you exactly where to go to get your first piece of peyote. Take the gondola to the top of the mountain, veer off to the side, and go to the two red flags shown in the video below. As soon as you approach the flags, it will prompt you to take the peyote. No, I am not making this up. Let us know if you find any more peyote locations.

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Update: YouTube user Taltigolt recorded video footage of Franklin turning into a chicken. He doesn't highlight his location. WARNING: The video contains strong language.

Update 2: The playable bird selection expands! YouTube user NoahJ456 has video footage of Franklin turning into a seagull. According to him, the animal you transform into is random each time you try the peyote.

Update 3: We now know the hallucinations are not limited to just birds. The latest transformation is a dog. YouTube user dalto11 found a peyote plant that turns the player into a dog. The good news: He shows us the location on the map! You can find it in the video below:

Update 4: The list of playable animals continues to expand. YouTube user Logan Jones captured a brief video of a playable cat. He doesn't detail the peyote location used for this hallucination, but it appears to be near the airport.

Update 5: The second peyote location brings a handful of different transformations. I used it last night and turned into a coyote (which you can see on my twitch stream). Other people have become a deer or mountain lion. YouTube user Chonged Gaming turned Michael into a cow.

Update 6: We now have the location of the third peyote plant. This video comes courtesy of Chonged Gaming, the clear leader so far in the hunt for peyote.

Update 7: Watch the video below to find the fourth peyote plant. This one was found by YouTube user ImChuckyFTW.

Update 8: Chonged Gaming returns with FIVE more peyote plant locations. All five videos are listed below.

[thanks go out to GI readers GI Droid and Brent M for the up-to-the-minute video updates]