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From The Game Informer Archives: Atari Jaguar Flier Contains Odd Canceled Game

by Andrew Reiner on Aug 22, 2013 at 07:17 AM

My first spelunking expedition into Game Informer's filing cabinets unearthed a wealth of information for Ocean's canceled Lobo game. Today, I'm bringing you an Atari Jaguar advertising circular that was released prior to the system's launch. The cover reeks of the '90s, but is effective in a cocky battle cry-type of way. I remember the "Do the Math" marketing campaign well, and wondered if most consumers would care about "bits." The back of the flier trumps Jaguar's strengths, making it look objectively better than the competition. The list of developers is also impressive, although most of them never released a game for this short-lived system.

The most interest lies inside of the flier, where actual game images are shown. While you'll see all sports are accounted for – and several big name franchises like Doom and Syndicate were announced – the biggest anomaly is on the top row from a company called ASG Technologies. I won't spoil the surprise for you here. Scroll down to the bottom to see for yourself. You won't be disappointed.

(click the images to enlarge)


Hosenose and Booger never made it to market, and details on it are hard to come by. The most I've found is a picture of the title screen, and this nice piece on ASG Technologies from Chris Bieniek of Video Game Ephemera. If you have any Hosenose and Booger screens or information, please send me an email (reiner@gameinformer).