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Question Of The Month Reader Responses: Issue #231

by Jeff Marchiafava on Jun 05, 2012 at 06:15 AM

In issue 229, we asked readers what their favorite snack is in the middle of a gaming session. The latest issue contains some of the healthier responses players submitted, but here are some more snack ideas to feast your eyes on.

Health Nuts:

  • Because eating chips or something easy like that can only end in discovering with an empty bag and health problems, I prefer to eat pistachios. That way, I have to spend the time to crack open each delicious nut, forcing myself to eat only during loading screens when I'm not distracted by the game.

    Mark Wasson
  • I usually have a banana, so I can scarf it down quick and continue with the game

    Matthew Hopper
  • My favorite snack while gaming is cordial cherries. Every time I go to my friend's house for a game night, he always has them. Even in the summer, he seems to find them. Sometimes, he even has cordial blueberries.

    Dustin Palmer
  • Believe it or not, carrots. When one is faced with the question of exercising getting to the next checkpoint, my love handles would be the obvious answer. So instead I go for a compromise and reach for a delicious, sweet carrot while I'm mowing down enemies. As a bonus, my chosen snack, when consumed in mass quantities, causes a cool orange tint to my skin making it look like a tan. Take that sun!

    Nolan Noble

A Chip On His Shoulder:

  • When I'm decimating demons in Devil May Cry or blasting someone in the face in DragonBall Z, nothing is better than Cool Ranch flavored Doritos. 

    Khaalis Williams

A Cool Ranch Rebuttal:

  • The best thing to eat while gaming is anything but Doritos. I was eating some while playing Dante's Inferno and now I can hardly stomach them. I can't look at a bag of Cool Ranch without seeing images of...well, never mind. That game is seriously disturbing.

    Kevin Anderson

Cookie Monster:

  • I gotta say that Oreos and milk are my favorite snacks while I'm playing a video game. There's nothing like hacking a zombie into small pieces with a sword, shooting a dead body in /halo so the blood sprays out, and destroying the Death Star while eating the world's favorite cookie!

    James Hibbert 

Frozen Pancakes?:

  • My snack depends on the game I am playing. For example, if I am playing an FPS like MW 3, I like chips for a quick handful during kill cams. For open-world games like Fable and Skyrim, I like to get a stack of frozen pancakes or toaster waffles, whatever is available at the time. I don't  know why but it just calms me after I get angry due to many deaths in a small time period. 

    Thayer Shepherd

Root Beer Tapper:

  • When I'm gaming, my favorite snack would have to be sunflower seeds with a side of Root Beer.

    Hunter Diveley

Snacking Smorgasbord:

  • My gaming fuel is an odd combination of things...usually I have a stockpile of Slim Jims and Pizza Rolls before I start my gaming session. I love Mountain Dew, but it's become so cliche...chocolate milk is my best friend when I want to kill dragons or avenge my virtual family's death.

    Sierra Hubbard

Hands Off:

  • My favorite snack for gaming is popcorn. One bag will last a while, so there's no need to worry about having to stop playing to replenish. Plus, you can share with your gaming buddies. It's not like I would, though. I'm just saying you can.

    Andy Adkisson


  • My favorite snack is ANYTHING chocolate!! 

    Andrew Pis 

Dream Eater:

  • What's my favorite snack during a gaming session, you ask? I like to devour my opponents' hopes and dreams, then wash it down with their tears of frustration. 

    Dave Brouillette

What's your favorite gaming snack? Share your pick in the comments below!