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Another Dragon Ball Super Collaboration With Fortnite Begins Tomorrow, New Content Teased

by Wesley LeBlanc on Jan 30, 2023 at 10:17 AM

After weeks of speculation and leaks last year, a Dragon Ball Super collaboration officially went live in Epic Games' battle royale, Fortnite, in August. It brought Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, and Beerus to the game alongside a Kamehameha mystic item for use in-game and the Nimbus Cloud. Now, Dragon Ball Super is coming back, starting tomorrow. 

The official Fortnite Twitter account posted an image of a Red Ribbon ship hovering over a portion of Fortnite's battle royale island with "Fortnite x Dragon Ball Super" on it this morning, alongside tomorrow's date. This means we'll be seeing some (hopefully new) Dragon Ball Super content drop into Fortnite tomorrow. 

As for what to expect, that remains unknown. Given the various characters in Dragon Ball Super, it could be anybody. But Dragon Ball mainstays like Piccolo, Gohan, and Trunks, and even popular villains like Frieza, didn't make an appearance in Fortnite last year, so here's hoping we see all or some of them in the Item Shop tomorrow. There's also the possibility that we get some Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero content considering that movie hit theaters last August and was quite successful. 

Only time will tell, but fortunately, we don't have to wait long because the Fortnite x Dragon Ball Super collaboration begins tomorrow. 

Who do you hope to see added to Fortnite tomorrow? Let us know in the comments below!

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