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New Destiny 2: Beyond Light Story Trailer Brings Our Boy Variks Back Once More
Another Destiny 2: Beyond Light trailer is here from Bungie and this story-focused video brings back our boy Variks in addition to a new look at Stasis Barons.
In the below trailer, we see Eramis bestowing the new power of Stasis throughout her house as a continuing gift from the Darkness. As a story trailer, fans can get a glimpse at what drives Eramis' actions in relation to the rift spurning off of the Traveler's turned back on the Fallen.
Just like in a previous video, Variks is also back, though the last time was just as a narrator. Now no longer a voice, Variks has been captured and is in need of rescue from Eramis, which is where our returning (and beloved) Exo Stranger comes into play.
For those that didn't play the first Destiny, Variks is a Fallen Vandal that was the sole survivor of the House of Judgement. He's got an interesting history, but his loyalty to Queen Mara Sov was unshakable. That being said, he was responsible for the prison break in Destiny 2: Forsaken, which ended up getting my homie Cayde-6 killed so to say I have a lot of salt over him is a massive understatement.
"A growing divide echoes in our collective unconscious," reads the latest blog entry to accompany the new video. "Precious gifts bestowed by the Traveler. Unspeakable evil brought forth by the Pyramids. As division spreads and distrust grows between alliances long thought unbreakable, the truths we hold dear will be questioned."
Guardians will be going up against Eramis and her lieutenants Atraks, Kridis, Phylaks, and Praksis. Each figure wields the power of the new subclass, Stasis, while stopping at nothing when it comes to what Eramis wants.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light arrives on November 10. Are you excited? What did you think about the story reveal trailer? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below! And remember: Eyes up, Guardian.