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Halo Infinite Delays Into 2021

by Matt Miller on Aug 11, 2020 at 02:20 PM

343 Industries studio head Chris Lee has released a brief statement through the official Halo Twitter, explaining that the developer has made the difficult decision to delay Halo Infinite into 2021.

Lee cites multiple factors, but names the challenges of developing in the midst of the COVID pandemic as a contributing factor. “The extra time will let us finish the critical work necessary to deliver the most ambitious Halo game ever at the quality we know our fans expect,” Lee says in his statement.

Halo Infinite was believed by many to be the inevitable flagship release of Microsoft’s new Xbox Series X, and this delay is no doubt a blow to Microsoft in the opening salvo of the next-gen console competition. An extended campaign demo was finally shown off at a recent Xbox event, and reaction from fans was mixed.

Read the full statement on the official Halo Twitter feed, on the Halo Waypoint site, or in the embedded image below. 

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Halo Infinitecover

Halo Infinite

Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC
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