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Silent Hill Characters Invade Dead By Daylight

by Ben Reeves on May 26, 2020 at 02:00 PM

Behaviour Interactive’s asymmetrical 4v1 survival game, Dead By Daylight debuted a few years ago to favorable reviews, and since then the studio has added a number of notable DLC characters from franchises like Halloween, Left 4 Dead, Evil Dead, and Stranger Things. The latest franchise to join that list is Konami’s Silent Hill.

Silent Hill 3’s protagonist Cheryl Mason is Dead By Daylight's new survivor. If you’re more into tormenting your victims, Cheryl will be hunted by Silent Hill 2’s version of Pyramid Head, who is called The Executioner here. Dead By Daylight is also getting a new map called Midwich Elementary School, a hunting local that was first seen in the first Silent Hill game.


“Seriously, no matter how you cut it, Silent Hill is one of the most significant horror video games that's ever been made,” game director Mathieu Cote told us. “It is important in the culture of video games, so being able to work with Konami on such an iconic, legendary license and having them trust us to faithfully bring – in some cases – PSOne era assets into 2020, is incredible. We've been allowed to bring back Silent Hill, and bring all of this to players who may not have even experienced Silent Hill themselves, which is incredibly humbling and thrilling.”

Dead By Daylight’s Silent Hill content is available now on the public test build, so you can go try it for yourself. Everyone else can check out this Silent Hill content when it releases on PC and consoles on June 16. This isn’t a brand new Silent Hill game, which is what fans have been begging for since the cancellation of P.T., but it's nice to see that the license is still in use. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of something terrifying.

Products In This Article

Dead by Daylightcover

Dead by Daylight

PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia, PC, iOS, Android
Release Date:
June 14, 2016 (PC), 
June 20, 2017 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One), 
September 24, 2019 (Switch), 
April 16, 2020 (iOS, Android), 
October 1, 2020 (Stadia), 
November 10, 2020 (Xbox Series X/S), 
November 12, 2020 (PlayStation 5)