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If you've played a few hours of the Resident Evil 2 remake, or played the original 1998 PlayStation game (or any number of classic Resident Evil games where the enemy appears in various forms), then you are familiar with Tyrant. You may have heard him called Mr. X, which is the Resident Evil 2 incarnation.
In the original Resident Evil 2, he is a near-immortal bullet-sponge that makes your heart stop every time you see him as he chases you through the police station and beyond. In the Resident Evil 2 remake he is a near-immortal bullet-sponge that makes your heart stop every time you see him as he chases you through the police station and beyond – who wears a fedora. If you're still not sure who I am talking about, here he is adjusting his neck and walking.
Just a heads up, I'm about to present a mid-game spoiler for Claire's campaign in text and in video.
His implementation in the game lead to one of my favorite moments so far. I haven't finished Resident Evil 2 yet, but my experience with the original leads me to believe I haven't seen the last of him, but that doesn't make the moment below any less satisfying. I saved the clip and even edited it to be a little shorter so it's all the more impactful. My fists were practically in the air when the claws came through his chest and when he fell to the ground it made me so happy.
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In the end, I do like Mr. X's inclusion, but when I am actively playing the game, I hate him. He's annoying and he scares me, and also makes me laugh somehow, but when I step away and think about him in retrospect, I can't help but admire how much of a rise he gets out of me. I can't wait until he's truly dead though.