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PS4 Spider-Man Gets His Own Comic Series

by Imran Khan on Dec 17, 2018 at 07:10 PM

The PS4 Spider-Man, who many are confusingly calling Marvel's Spider-Man but that seems to make it even less clear which one we're talking about, has been making the rounds since the game's release earlier this year. The white spider suit had a cameo in the seminal Into the Spider-verse movie released last week. Insomniac's Peter Parker even got his own storyline in the Spidergeddon comic arc, where he realized there is a dimension where Spider Cop exists. Now, another PS4 Spider-Man comic adaptation is beginning, titled City at War.

The new comic arc will cover the story of the games, but also the three DLC chapters that have just been released. For fans of the game, Marvel also promises there will be new content, so it won't just be a retread for content you have already played through.

Marvel says that the new comics will be "first in a series of new stories from the growing Marvel Gamerverse," so there's likely to be more to follow. I wonder if this is canon with Nintendo's Marvel Ultimate Alliance game?

Products In This Article

Marvel's Spider-Mancover

Marvel's Spider-Man

PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date:
September 7, 2018 (PlayStation 4), 
November 12, 2020 (PlayStation 5), 
August 12, 2022 (PC)