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Harmonix: You’ll Be Surprised At How Big Rock Band 3 Is

by Tim Turi on May 19, 2010 at 02:01 PM

Rock Band 3 is going to hit later this year, and according to Harmonix you’re going to be caught off guard by how huge the music game is.

"Stay tuned over the next few weeks and months as we chat about some of the in-depth details that make up Rock Band 3," said Dan Teasdale, lead designer of Rock Band 3 on the game's official blog. "I think you'll be surprised at just how big this game really is."

Dhani Harrison, son of Beatles guitarist George Harrison, has previously stated that Rock Band 3 will give players the skill to play real instruments. Could Teasdale’s comment be in line with this lofty remark? We’ll only know when the game is finally revealed in the coming weeks.

[Via G4]