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Welcome To The New GameInformer.com

by admingi on Oct 01, 2009 at 08:44 AM

Welcome to the new gameinformer.com.

Phew. Feels good to say that.

This project has been in the works for close to three years now, and I couldn’t be more excited to share the final product with everyone.

It didn’t kick into high gear until this March when we finally began creating the code. Since then, it’s been a wild ride with a lot of highs and lows. We had a baby born yesterday (‘grats Kato), several editors move, one beat Dragon Age: Origins (no small task), and another gets married this weekend (‘grats Miller). Unfortunately, on a sad note, the lead designer on our site had a motorcycle accident, and is still in intensive care (we are pulling for you Broom).

Everyone’s work and sacrifice has paid off. In fact, just last night we had to rebuild the video player in the wee hours of the night just to make this happen today. The site is most certainly a beta, but we will be updating and fixing issues on the site nonstop until we get it where we want it. We also have more surprises in the works that we will integrate into the site as we move forward.

So while I want you to cruise around and find all the exciting content and community options the site has to offer I do want to point out some features.

First of all, there are two important tabs on the home page – “The Feed” and the “Blogs.” The Feed is for straight ahead news, reviews, previews, and reporting, while the Blog is where you will find the editors (and in time developers and users who attain contributor status) waxing about the industry and just culture in general. We wanted to keep these two areas separate but intertwined, and you will see this relationship develop as we start posting new content.

On the community side, the site is one solid object, where you can create profiles that give you access to subscriber only perks, but more importantly, there are tons places for people to talk games.

Under the “Take Part” tab at the top of the page you will find all the ways to interact. You can create your own groups to share with the world, or keep to yourself so guilds and clans can be run privately. The great thing is, you can monitor all of them from the activity feed on your own profile page.

There are forums and all the other bells and whistles you would expect – like user blogs, user reviews, contests, and polls so get out there and have some fun.

If there is something you want from the site, make sure to stop by our Site Feedback group and give us your input, as we will be monitoring this for new ideas to add to the site.

Also, before you blog or create your profile page, stop by the Game Informer Writer’s Guild to get tips and explanations on how to best show off your work.

We hope you love the site as much as we do.




If you want some behind the scenes shots of the office and us toiling away on the site, click here.

UPDATE: Bug update and new helpful hints can be found here.