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Launch Insanity
So over the last 48 hours, I decided to test out my bad photography skills and take some photos of the staff hard at work during launch. It’s a small peek into our world, but it most certainly won’t be the last.
In the wee hours of the night, my office just looks kind of creepy. Oh, and messy.
Three of the new guys, Dan, Tim, and Phil, actually having a good time at the beginning of the final push. Which is surprising as most of their office equipment still hasn't showed up, but their make-shift room is still home to plenty of bad jokes, thanks to Tim.
We got some new kicking computers to crunch videos. Nothing gets the nerd juices flowing quite like super-fast computers and giant monitors.
The eternal night of our bullpen. Notice the giant 40 inch HDTVs that tower over the editors. No games tonight though, all content all the time.
The Site is easy to use, but that didn't mean we didn't have lots of questions and impromptu meetings. This picture was taken minutes before Kato headed to the hospital for his son's birth.
The ladies of GI have their own office. It's the best smelling room in the building.
The team recording the new Game Informer podcast. Matt mastered Pro Tools in under 24 hours, just one of the many things to come together at the last second.
The pizza arrives and the kitchen explodes with hungry editors.
It was a late night for many, but these two freaks slept here last night. Oddly, Nick and Sean don't seem too worse for wear today.