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Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Exclusive Trailer Reveals Nordic Games As Publisher
by Matt Miller on Mar 08, 2016 at 04:59 AM
Platform PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Publisher THQ Nordic
Developer Airship Syndicate
Rating Teen

If you’re a fan of Joe Madureira’s distinct visual art style, it’s likely you’re already familiar with Battle Chasers: Nightwar. The upcoming RPG from Airship Syndicate had a very successful Kickstarter last year, which has enabled the developer to pursue a new game set in the comic book universe first revealed by Madureira back in the late 1990s. Today brings news that Airship Syndicate has obtained additional funding and publishing support from Nordic Games, a relationship that we’re told should allow for additional stretch goals and feature sets that might otherwise have been left on the cutting room floor. Along with the new announcement, we’re also being treated to a brand new trailer.

“The community got us off to a great start with Kickstarter, but we came just shy of a few really cool stretch goals our backers were excited about,” lead designer Ryan Stefanelli told Game Informer. “Partnering with Nordic is going to let us reach those (voice acting!) and possibly go further. It’ll also ensure Nightwar hits the quality bar we’re reaching for at Airship. But perhaps most importantly, having a publishing partner means we can focus on the most important part of game development: the actual game development.”  

We also spoke with Nordic Games regarding the new relationship, and got the backstory on how the two companies came to work together. “Through one of our projects, I came to meet Ryan Stefanelli and Joe Madureira more than two years ago,” says Nordic’s business and product development director Reinhard Pollice.  “We immediately had a lot to talk because we shared a passion for great games. To me it was obvious they were looking to create not just another me-too product but rather were searching for a good niche they could cover with their games. We knew there are a lot of Battlechasers fans out there and it would find a good place in today’s gaming landscape. After their successful Kickstarter campaign we intensified our talks and came to the conclusion it would be a good idea to partner up to make Battle Chasers: Nightwar an even better game by contributing funds to it and combine that with our publishing operations to achieve a broader reach.” 

Battle Chasers: Nightwar draws on numerous inspirations, from comic book storytelling to classic Japanese role-playing games, and what we’ve seen of the amalgam makes for an intriguing project. We were so interested in the game that we’re showcasing it in our new issue of Game Informer with a dedicated six-page feature, which you can read in the magazine beginning later today if you subscribe to our digital edition. Print subscribers will receive their copies in the coming days. 

Nightwar is set for release later this year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Check out the new trailer, and share your thoughts about Battle Chasers: Nightwar in the comments below. 

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Battle Chasers: Nightwar

PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
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