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Alone in the Dark: Illumination

Alone In The Dark: Illumination Riffs On Left 4 Dead
by Mike Futter on Sep 02, 2014 at 09:31 AM
Platform PC
Publisher Atari
Developer Pure FPS
Release Spring 2015
Rating Rating Pending

Earlier this month, Atari announced the return of two classic franchises, both due out this fall. Alone in the Dark: Illumination gets back to the series' Lovecraftian roots with a multiplayer twist.

The title, in development by Pure, is premium-priced, with four-player co-op planned for launch or shortly thereafter. Like Turtle Rock's Left 4 Dead, players work their way through multi-level campaigns toward an end fight with an unbeatable Cthulhu-like boss.

Defeating the campaigns requires escaping or trapping the monster (you can't kill a god, after all). You'll also unlock a new character class through victory.

We saw the gun-wielding hunter in action today, who represents the typical action hero. Killing enemies isn't simply about filling them with lead. You need lure monsters into the light to make them vulnerable. Don't expect  to camp though, as the creatures can drain the light.

Each of the maps is slightly randomized with pickup locations and pathways through slightly different each time. There are "last stand" moments in each level after accomplishing objectives. In the level we saw, the hero needs to find wire to harness lightning and recharge a generator, ultimately opening the exit.

The game is third-person, with the camera tight to the player. The franchise's horror roots are showing, and this helps differentiate the title from others with similar set-ups.

Another difference is the availability of four character classes. The others are the witch (pistols and electricity), the priest (can heal himself and summon the lord's light), and the engineer (custom shotguns, ammo, and traps). Atari and Pure are giving players customization options in-game (no microtransactions) and via modding. Players will be able to download templates to create their own clothing for their characters.

While we didn't get a chance to play (or see the big bad), we did get to watch a demo piloted live. With a dose of White Wolf's Hunter: The Reckoning swirled into a format made popular by Left 4 Dead, there is potential here. Our only concern is that Alone in the Dark: Illumination is slated for release in November and we've only seen a surface-level look. Consider us cautiously optimistic.

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Alone in the Dark: Illumination

Release Date:
Spring 2015