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PS2 RPG Dark Cloud 2 Levels Up To PS4
Fans of Level-5’s beloved cell-shaded RPG can look forward to playing the game again on PS4. And they only have to look forward to next week.
During a recent PlayStation Blogcast, the team running the PlayStation Blog talked about their favorite games of 2015. They also revealed that Dark Cloud 2 would be available on PS4 via PS2 online emulation starting January 19.
In Dark Cloud 2, a couple of time-warped kids battle their way through a series of procedurally-generated dungeons in order to stop an evil emperor from ruining the world in the past. Instead of leveling up in the traditional sense, players leveled-up their weapons, which allow them to take down greater foes.
The podcast also revealed that Croixleur Sigma would launch on PS4, and Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty will soon be coming to the Vita as a cross-buy title, meaning if you already own the PlayStation 4 version, you’ll get the Vita version free.
[Source: PlayStation Blog]
Our Take
This is neat. Dark Cloud 2 isn't my favorite game from the PS2 era, but I remember having a lot of fun with it.