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Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II Is Out On Mac And Linux With Some Fantastic Updates

by Alissa McAloon on Jul 21, 2015 at 11:22 AM

Here’s a pleasant surprise for Star Wars fans: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords has been released for both Mac and Linux with a ton of awesome new features. We’ll talk about the rest of the updates in a second, but here’s the big one: the immensely popular The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod is already up and ready for download on the KOTOR II Steam Workshop page.

The retail release of KOTOR II was missing a ton of content originally planned for the game. The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod, or TSLRCM, aims to put much of that cut content right back in place. The mod was first released in 2009 and updated well into 2015. In addition to addressing many of the bugs found throughout KOTOR II, the mod compiles unused assets forgotten deep in the game’s files and reintroduces them to the storyline. Many have hailed the mod for creating a more complete KOTOR II experience by adding unused dialogue and scenes back into the game. For a complete, and very long, list of additions, check out this page.

In addition to TSLRCM, the following features have also been added to all three versions of Knights of the Old Republic II on Steam:

  • 37 achievements
  • Steam Cloud saves
  • Native widescreen resolution support
  • 4K and 5K resolution support
  • Controller support
  • Steam Workshop support
  • Force Special Effects menu option

All the new updates are currently live on Steam. At the time of writing, the game is on sale for $7.49 for PC, Mac, and Linux.


Our Take:
I’ve never been so happy to see an update in my entire life. The KOTOR series has long been one of my absolute favorites, and I’m so glad to see the second game getting some much needed love. Modding, or even playing the game on a modern computer prior to this update could accurately be described as a complete nightmare. Between the widescreen support and TSLRCM inclusion, a new The Sith Lords playthrough has just skyrocketed to the top of my priorities