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Resident Evil HD Remake Has Biggest Opening Day In PSN History

by Mike Futter on Feb 09, 2015 at 04:24 AM

Those of you requesting Capcom move ahead with more Resident Evil remakes can keep those flickers of hope lit. The publisher has announced some good news regarding the recent release of the former Gamecube exclusive Resident Evil Remake.

Capcom reports that the HD version, which released on Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC, is its fastest selling digital title in North America and Europe. The game also broke the PlayStation Network record for opening day sales of a digital game.

Fans have been clamoring for Resident Evil 2 to receive the same treatment. We’ve reached out to Capcom to find out of the publisher has any thoughts about fulfilling this request. For more on the title, check out our review.

Update: Capcom responded to our request, but doesn't have anything to share at this time.


Our Take
In addition to being good news for fans hoping for Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes, this might bode well for the series’ future. Fans were less than impressed by the more action-oriented take of Resident Evil 6 and have voiced interest in seeing a return to survival horror roots. While there’s no confirmation of a Resident Evil 7, we certainly wouldn’t count it out (especially now).