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Star Wars Battle Pod Blasts Into Arcades Today

by Mike Futter on Jan 23, 2015 at 10:35 AM

Older gamers might remember a massive vector graphics Star Wars game that simulated the Battle of Yavin. Much has changed since that game was released in 1983, and Bandai Namco is updating the concept for today’s audience.

Star Wars Battle Pod was announced last fall, and it begins arriving in arcades today. The game features a wide field of view, blowing air, and vibrations to create a simulated starfighter or speeder bike environment.

The game features four different modes, including the first Death Star battle, the escape from Hoth, speeder bikes on Endor, and a new twist that pits Darth Vader against the Rebel Alliance after the Battle of Yavin. You can check out a video of the game’s different stages above and screenshots below.

We've reached out to Bandai Namco for some guidance on where we can find Star Wars Battle Pod. We'll update should we receive a response.


Our Take
While arcades are few and far between these days, it's games like this that will convince people to seek them out. They'll not likely return to their heyday, but with a few machines like this one, arcades could become destinations for a larger audience.