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Hironobu Sakaguchi's Trailer For Mistwalker's Cancelled Cry On Recalls The Last Guardian
Sad games about children interacting with gentle giants just aren't meant to be – even if when they come from the creator of Final Fantasy.
Below you will find a trailer for a cancelled game from the mind of Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the Final Fantasy series and the founder of developer Mistwalker. Titled Cry On, the game was cancelled in 2008. The trailer features a girl and a small creature which can apparently transform into a gigantic golem. The trailer is highly reminiscent of The Last Guardian, Sony and Team Ico's seemingly forever in development follow-up to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
To be fair, we don't know much about either game. The Last Guardian still exists according to Sony, but may have changed drastically from its original trailers featuring a child interacting with a gigantic bird-like creature. This game, Cry On, has been legitimately cancelled and the trailer below is likely all we will ever see from the game.
It's hard not to see parallels between the two: both feature young people interacting with gigantic creatures, both, curiously, feature the aforementioned young person running down a hallway to escape danger only to be saved by the gigantic creature as the hallway ends at a cliff face, and both seem intent on offering emotional experiences – though admittedly that last point relies on speculation.
Sakaguchi posted the trailer on his YouTube page on December 26 without offering any comment. He did tweet out a few pieces of concept art on the same day, but it's unclear if they are related to Cry On. You can find those tweets here, here, and here.
[Source: Hironobu Sakaguchi on YouTube, via Reddit, Destructoid]
Our Take
Surely I am not the only one who sees this parallel. I wonder if its similarity to The Last Guardian is what lead to its cancellation. According to Destructoid, the game was cancelled due to "poor global economic conditions," so it may be totally unrelated.