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Batman: Arkham Knight Swoops Into June 2015 With Two Collector's Editions

by Mike Futter on Sep 08, 2014 at 06:14 AM

Warner Bros. and Rocksteady have dated the final chapter in the Arkham series. The title is headed for a June 2, 2015 release.

Batman: Arkham Knight was originally on track for release this fall, before Rocksteady and WB delayed the title in June. The game, which was featured on our April 2014 cover, is planned exclusively for new-gen consoles and PC.

Warner Bros. has also announced two collector’s editions for the game. The Limited Edition comes with an art book, a steelbook case, a limited edition Arkham Knight comic, three New 52 character skins and a Batman memorial statue. Given that memorials imply that someone has died, we’re curious about what this might mean for the story. Retail price on the limited edition is $99.99.

Click to enlarge.

The Batmobile edition comes with everything above, except the Batman monument is replaced by a Triforce-created statue of Batman’s iconic ride. The statue is “fully transformable,” which we assume means it can take on the different modes as seen in the game and won’t become a robot. This version costs $199.99 and is only available for consoles.

Click to enlarge.

The title features a mysterious figure known as the Arkham Knight, Scarecrow, and other members of Batman’s Rogue Gallery. It’s planned for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

[Source: Batman Arkham on Twitter]

Our Take
This is a bit later than I expected, but a nice open window before the summer slump. I'm very much looking forward to donning cape and cowl one more time, especially with everything we've seen of the game so far.