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Dishonored Game Of The Year Edition Coming Next Month

by Mike Futter on Sep 12, 2013 at 04:30 AM

Dishonored was one of the best-received games of 2012, and it will soon be getting a Game of the Year edition to celebrate its success. The package includes the base game, the three major pieces of DLC, and the pre-order bonuses assembled as the Void Walker's Arsenal.

The Void Walker's Arsenal includes the Acrobatic Killer pack, Arcane Assassin pack, Backstreet Butcher pack, and Shadow Rat pack. These are a collection of passive bonus-granting charms, in-game books, coins, and bonus enhancement slots.

The Dunwall City Trials, The Knife of Dunwall, and The Brigmore Witches content packs are included, also. The bundle will be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC starting on October 8, 2013, for $39.99.


Our Take
While I had my own qualms with Dishonored (I wish Corvo had been voiced rather than silent), I admire much of what Arkane created. The world of Dishonored is richly detailed, and the powers gave players the agency to handle problems in very different ways. I'm eager for a return to Dunwall, but I hope that the protagonist has more of a personality next time.