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Ubisoft's New Game May Be Called Fighter Within
Domain watching website Fusible happened upon on an interesting website registration today. While no content is yet to appear on the registered domains, two URLs for something called Fighter Within have shown up in Go Daddy's proxy service, and both link to a Ubisoft URL at http://fighter-within.ubi.com/fighter-within/en-US/. Several weeks ago, Ubisoft revealed that we'll be seeing a new next-gen franchise at this year's Gamescom, and the timing of the URL leak lends credence to the idea that Fighter Within is the name of that new project.
It's unclear whether Fighter Within might or might not be related to the 2010 Kinect title, Fighers Uncaged.
[Source: Fusible]
Our Take
Ubisoft already has some big games coming soon, including Splinter
Cell: Blacklist, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Watch Dogs, and Rayman
Legends. If Fighter Within turns out to be a real project, it's likely that we
won't see it anytime soon until a few other big projects find their way out of development.