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Xbox Hardware Evolution Chart

by Adam Biessener on May 21, 2013 at 09:43 AM

See how the Xbox console hardware has evolved across three generations with this handy chart.

  Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One
CPU 733 MHz x86 Intel Pentium III-based 3.2 GHz IBM PowerPC tri-core 8-Core AMD CPU (speed unknown)
GPU 233 MHz Custom nVidia NV2A 500 MHz custom ATi design Custom-built AMD hardware
RAM 64MB DDR (200MHz) 512MB GDDR3 (700MHz) 8GB DDR3 (5 GB available to games)
Media DVD-ROM DVD-ROM Blu-ray
HDD 8GB/10GB 20-250GB 500GB
Memory Unit 8MB up to 512MB (up to 16GB via USB drive) Unknown
USB 4x custom USB 1.1 ports 3x USB 2.0 (5x in later models) 3x USB 3.0 ports
Network 10/100Mbps Ethernet, optional add-on Wi-Fi adapter 10/100Mbps Ethernet, optional add-on Wi-Fi adapter (Wi-Fi integrated in later models) 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet, 802.11n Wi-Fi w/ Wi-Fi Direct*
Video Output Composite, Component, S-Video, SCART Composite, Component, S-Video, SCART (HDMI in later models) HDMI only (also HDMI input)
Resolution up to 1080i up to 1080p up to 1080p (games), up to 4K video playback
Audio Output RCA, S/PDIF Optical, Stereo, 5.1 Surround RCA, S/PDIF Optical, Stereo, 5.1 Surround HDMI, S/PDIF optical, 5.1 Surround, 7.1 Surround

[Correction: The chart originally listed the Xbox One's RAM as GDDR3, not DDR3. Additionally, the original chart omitted the HDMI output and 7.1 Surround capabilities of the Xbox One. Game Informer regrets the error.]

Microsoft says that the Xbox One is roughly eight times as powerful as the Xbox 360 at the end of the day. In addition, the ramifications of Microsoft's cloud computing initiative could be significant. The company has stated that consoles will be able to offload calculations to cloud processors, which could be significant if developers find it useful to take advantage of.

* The Xbox One's Wi-Fi Direct capabilities allow it to use its multiple 802.11n Wi-Fi radios to communicate simultaneously with both a standard wireless network and directly with other Wi-Fi devices.

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