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Lucas Rep Says Star Wars 1313 Might Be Saved

by Matt Helgeson on Apr 03, 2013 at 07:55 AM

Game Informer recently interviewed a representative from LucasFilm, who shed some light on the events leading to the closing of LucasArts. They also revealed that some of the company's projects in development, including Star Wars 1313, might have a future after all.

The representative we spoke to said that this was not a decision made in haste, and a possible closing of LucasArts had been being evaluated since Disney acquired the publisher as part of the Disney/LucasArts deal in October, 2012:

"All of these things happened at once. Naturally, as any company that goes through a big announcement like this, you have to look through your whole portfolio and realign some things. 1313 was looking fantastic, the reception has been great. Our other unannounced titles are fine, it just got to a point where from a business standpoint we couldn't continue developing those internally and keep up with the direction that the company was going."

Website Kotaku is reporting that 150 LucasArts employees have been laid off, and that the games Star Wars: First Assault and Star Wars 1313 have been cancelled. However, the representative we spoke to said that the company is also evaluating its options regarding projects currently in development, which could be licensed out to external development and publishing partners:

"It is worth noting that we are looking for proven external partners who can help us provide video games to our fans. We still believe in the video game industry, we still will provide Star Wars games, we're just looking at different models rather than internal production... They're evaluating everything. There's always a possibility that it [Star Wars 1313] can still come out via licensing."

The representative also remarked on the general mood at the studio today, which, understandably, is not upbeat:

"It's super sad. It's a terrible day. I want to make sure everyone realizes that there still will be Star Wars games out there."